Kind Hearts and Coronets Criterion
Though it isn't up on their site yet, Criterion has announced Kind Hearts and Coronets for February release. Like everyone else, I can't say enough good things about Criterion, and this sounds great:
Kind Hearts and Coronets - A humorous satire on the British aristocracy, and one of the most sophisticated black comedies ever filmed. Louis Manzzini's mother told him as a child about how she was rejected by her aristocratic D'Ascoyne family. Once an adult, Louis avenges her by becoming the next Duke of the family and murdering every potential successor to the title. Alec Guinness's deft handling of eight different roles earned him worldwide acclaim.
Cat: CC1619D
Title: Kind Hearts and Coronets
UPC: 7-15515-01692-6
SRP: $39.95
Prebook date: 1/24/06
Street date: 2/28/06
Can't come soon enough. Kind Hearts and Coronets is a great, truly funny film. Even better than the original Ladykillers, I would say, and Guiness's multiple performances barely register as a trick like you might think they would.
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